Welcome to visit GuangDong Well-Silicasol Co.,ltd!
National hotline:0769-83388491

Professional requirements:Major in Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringAcademic requirements:Postgraduate degree or above

Number of recruits:3人Work salary:Face to face

Welfare treatment:Face to facework place:Dongguan Dongkeng Town Chukeng Management Zone


1. Major in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, graduate or above.

2. Can independently complete the product experiment and analysis work, with innovative spirit.

3. Strong communication, coordination and organizational skills, good professional quality and team spirit.

4. Experience in research and development of nano-silica materials is preferred

description of job:

1. Develop new product development and government project declaration according to enterprise requirements.

2. Optimize and adjust the existing production process.

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GuangDong Well-Silicasol Co.,ltd_Silica Sol|Model Wax|Huihe Headquarters address:   Technical Support:Huizhuo Network

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